TIF District Opportunities

A TIF is a mechanism for financing local economic development projects. Taxes generated by the increased property values pay for land acquisition or needed public works. Belleville has used TIF to accommodate and support selected new industrial and commercial development projects. Belleville has three open TIF Districts.

TIF District #3

TID No. 3 is located at the corner of Highway PB and Highway 69. The UW Clinic was the first building to enter the TIF and was completed in 2010. TID No. 3 is a mixed-use district. The total acreage of the TID includes 117.1 acres of land. The District is suitable for a combination of commercial and residential. Lands proposed for newly platted residential development comprise 9% of the area of the District.

TIF District #4

TID No. 4 is created as an “Industrial District” as at least 50%, by area, of the real property within the District is zoned and suitable for industrial sites. This area is located in northeastern Belleville, west of River Street between Greenway Cross Court and 5th Avenue.

TIF District #5

TID No. 5 is created as a rehabilitation or conservation district. The District includes two primary areas: (1) the Landmark/Old Railroad Corridor Section, and (2) the historic commercial downtown.